My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • Mulan, a Chinese-American girl, disguises herself as her brother to infiltrate a gang in Chinatown. She helps the police arrest them and gains confidence in her dancing.
    by mam_gigi
    Eye Icon 84
  • Sherman, an ordinary turtle, embarks on a mission to become a sea turtle with the help of Patty the Pelican and the sea wizard.
    by mam_gigi
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  • Ella and her mother have a fight, so Ella leaves for the city. She gets scared and meets Rufus, who helps her return home. They have a party.
    by mam_gigi
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  • Lacium, a mermaid, dreams of becoming a singer in Atlantis. With the help of a kind merman named Samuel, she fulfills her dream but eventually realizes that home is where her heart is and returns to the Pacific Ocean.
    by mam_gigi
    Eye Icon 61
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