My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • Emma spends a rainy day in London, visiting art exhibitions and reflecting on her passion for art.
    by marcemmenchaca
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  • Three friends meet every Saturday night to stargaze and discuss the cosmos, forming a strong bond over four years.
    by marcemmenchaca
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  • A little penguin named Frank gets separated from his parents, taken to a zoo, and escapes with the help of rebels. He reunites with his family and adopts his friend Jake as part of their family.
    by marcemmenchaca
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  • Kilian, a little elephant, is accused of murder but is later proven innocent with the help of C.S.I.
    by marcemmenchaca
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  • Peter, a Honeywell thermostat, becomes famous and successful, impacting the industry. He starts a family and lives happily.
    by marcemmenchaca
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