My Public / Unpublished Books (4)

  • thx guys so much but sorry guys for the uhh the a year long enjoy peace
    by Marcus Francois
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  • Caleb the Pikachu plans to battle Charizard, surprising everyone with his strength. After a successful fight, Charizard retreats, setting the stage for a sequel.
    by Marcus Francois
  • Ash and Caleb have a Pokémon battle. Ash sends Charizard, but Caleb's Pokémon, including Mewtwo, prove too strong, leading to Caleb's victory.
    by Marcus Francois
  • Ash and Caleb have a Pokémon battle. Ash sends Charizard, but Caleb's Pokémon, including Mewtwo, prove too strong, leading to Caleb's victory.
    by Marcus Francois
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