My Public / Unpublished Books (23)

  • by Marina Hussein
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  • A collection of guidelines for online behavior and safety, emphasizing respect, responsibility, and protecting students' identities.
    by Marina Hussein
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  • Four kids from different countries meet at the library, share their favorite books, and learn about friendship and imagination.
    by Marina Hussein
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  • Tuguinha, a penguin, visits different schools in Europe and interacts with students and teachers, learning about their cultures and education.
    by Marina Hussein
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  • The Imagine and Code team worked on Science Week, webinars, and code activities. They introduced female scientists and their work.
    by Marina Hussein
    Eye Icon 45
  • A story about a logo from Escola Frei Manuel in Portugal, participating in an eTwinning project with students from Vallis Longus and Sidika Akdemir Bilim ve Sanat Merkezi.
    by Marina Hussein
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  • Logos
    by Marina Hussein
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  • by Marina Hussein
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  • Once upon a time, there was an island called 'SUSLAND' with lush forests. But now people have built houses and factories instead of forests. The island is affected by industries, causing health problems. Beril and her friends come together to find a cure for the air pollution. They meet with factory owners and ask them to install filters in their chimneys. After the filters are installed, the air pollution decreases, trees grow rapidly, and nature is restored. The children raise awareness and organize nature trips to protect the beauty of nature. Over time, they manage to eliminate all the problems that harm nature and living things. Now, 'SUSLAND' is once again a magnificent place to live!
    by Marina Hussein
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    by Marina Hussein
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    by Marina Hussein
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  • by Marina Hussein
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  • Birds in a park discuss the effects of climate change on their habitats and decide to raise awareness among humans. They write cautionary notes and distribute them, hoping to make a difference.
    by Marina Hussein
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  • A list of table manners to follow during a meal, including using utensils, napkin etiquette, and proper behavior.
    by Marina Hussein
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  • by Marina Hussein
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  • by Marina Hussein
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  • by Marina Hussein
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  • Four children in Portugal share their experiences during quarantine, including challenges, activities, and missing school.
    by Marina Hussein
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  • A tour of the different types of trees in a school, with some humorous dialogue between characters.
    by Marina Hussein
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  • During the COVID-19 pandemic, students from different countries participate in a project called 'Stay Home! Learn From Home!' and share what they learn at home through posters and activities.
    by Marina Hussein
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  • A group of students from different countries collaborate on coding projects, creating logos and posters.
    by Marina Hussein
    Eye Icon 45
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