My Public / Unpublished Books (19)

  • Miss Bunny needs help finding Easter eggs and with the reader's assistance, she successfully finds them all.
    by Maria Scarcipino
    Eye Icon 5
  • A simple story about a group of animal friends playing together and expressing love for their family.
    by Maria Scarcipino
    Eye Icon 27
  • A child expresses their love for various modes of transportation, from bikes to planes and boats.
    by Maria Scarcipino
    Eye Icon 9
  • by Maria Scarcipino
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  • Giuseppe, a boy from Italy, befriends Sarah, a girl from Africa, despite their differences. They play together and become best friends, but Sarah eventually moves away to Portugal.
    by Maria Scarcipino
    Eye Icon 31
  • Angel fish and his friend, the turtle, encounter various dangerous sea creatures but are helped by a dolphin. The moral is to help friends make happy.
    by Maria Scarcipino
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  • by Maria Scarcipino
    Eye Icon 1
  • The Easter Bunny and Mafga find a golden egg with a chicken inside. Mafga discovers that plucking a feather turns it normal, so she sells the golden feathers to help her family and the poor.
    by Maria Scarcipino
    Eye Icon 23
  • Pete the Cat receives a message to dress up like a bunny, find and paint eggs, and hide them. He follows the instructions and is rewarded by the Easter Bunny.
    by Maria Scarcipino
    Eye Icon 30
  • The Easter Bunny loses a special egg and with the help of a mouse, finds it again.
    by Maria Scarcipino
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  • Bingo, a kind bunny, travels the world giving magic Easter eggs to those in need. He helps a sick boy, a poor woman, a prince, and a sad little girl.
    by Maria Scarcipino
    Eye Icon 11
  • Ben Hopwood, the Easter rabbit, falls ill and cannot hide the Easter eggs. He asks for help from various animals but finally gets assistance from the squirrels who hide the eggs for the children.
    by Maria Scarcipino
    Eye Icon 16
  • A short story about the Easter Bunny hiding eggs and children searching for them on Easter.
    by Maria Scarcipino
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  • maths book
    by Maria Scarcipino
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  • A collection of math word problems featuring popular fairy tales and characters.
    by Maria Scarcipino
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  • Giuseppe and his friends learn to accept and play with Sarah, a new student from Africa who is initially excluded because she looks different. They become best friends and have many adventures together. Sarah eventually moves away but promises to never forget her friends.
    by Maria Scarcipino
    Eye Icon 266
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  • A spooky story about a dark house in the woods, with mysterious objects inside.
    by Maria Scarcipino
    Eye Icon 55
  • A child describes different modes of transportation they use to go to school and imagines fun alternatives like a balloon, tractor, and airplane.
    by Maria Scarcipino
    Eye Icon 7
    Star Icon 1
  • stories bring us closer
    by Maria Scarcipino
    Eye Icon 51

My Collection - "pasqua" Follow Collection

  • Selfish Sally and the Easter Eggs

My Collection - "educazione civica" Follow Collection


My Collection - "math stories" Follow Collection


My Collection - "easter" Follow Collection


My Collection - "stories bring us closer" Follow Collection

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