My Public / Unpublished Books (7)

  • by Melissa Murdoch
  • hey this book is so so funny you should read it i promise you won't regret this
    by Melissa Murdoch
  • On Grateful Day, a monkey named Bumper doesn't want to participate until he meets Sprinkles, who becomes his date.
    by Melissa Murdoch
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  • Pelly and Shon move into a new house with their children. The kids have their first day of school, and Pelly and Shon plan a date night.
    by Melissa Murdoch
  • A story about a couple, Pelly and Shon, and their five children. They navigate the challenges of parenting, school, and moving to a bigger house.
    by Melissa Murdoch
  • hope you like my story's
    by Melissa Murdoch
  • hi thank you for reading my books
    by Melissa Murdoch
    Eye Icon 8

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