My Public / Unpublished Books (9)

  • Hansel and Gretel, two poor children, are abandoned in the woods by their stepmother. They use shiny pebbles to find their way home and receive a surprise from their father.
    by mirkaisthebest
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  • by mirkaisthebest
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  • Little Red Riding Hood goes to her grandma's house with cookies, but encounters a wolf who eats her grandma and tries to eat her. She is saved by a woodcutter.
    by mirkaisthebest
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  • by mirkaisthebest
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  • A king and queen have a baby princess named Sleeping Beauty. A witch curses her to sleep for 100 years, but a prince wakes her with a kiss.
    by mirkaisthebest
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  • A child gets a dog, takes care of it, and discovers their dad is no longer allergic. They are happy.
    by mirkaisthebest
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  • A group of friends go camping and encounter a witch in the woods. With the help of the police, they manage to escape.
    by mirkaisthebest
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  • A powerful woman named Lily attends power school and becomes a superhero. She saves many people with her teacher, but they have a falling out and she defeats him.
    by mirkaisthebest
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  • A girl is excited for her friend to stay over and they have fun playing, going to church, and eating. The next day, they go to church and have a water ritual. The girl's sister plays with her, but her friend seems distant. They brush their teeth together
    by mirkaisthebest
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