My Public / Unpublished Books (3)

  • Pra Bijak students go on a picnic to Sungai Chilling. They have lunch, clean up the river, and learn about the importance of keeping it clean.
    by Miza Sahira Mazlan
    Eye Icon 84
    Star Icon 23
  • Si Merah finds a grain of wheat and takes care of it until it becomes bread. She teaches her friends the importance of patience, hard work, fairness, and not caring about others' opinions.
    by Miza Sahira Mazlan
    Eye Icon 64
    Star Icon 2
  • Ali and his family prepare for Hari Raya while Nek Yam finds a card from her deceased husband. The kids learn about greeting cards and surprise Nek Yam with one.
    by Miza Sahira Mazlan
    Eye Icon 48
    Star Icon 1

My Collection - "PROJECT 2" Follow Collection


My Collection - "KEIKO TO THE OCEAN" Follow Collection

  • Wally the Whale Finds Friends
    by knagle

My Collection - "Books I Like" Follow Collection

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