My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • Whiffy, a small white mouse, lives in an old windmill. When a whirlwind blows away his cheese, he enlists the help of a bird to retrieve it.
    by Razan Mograbe
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  • Bob, a young man, finds a dog in need and takes him home. Despite his mom's initial resistance, Bob convinces her to keep the dog.
    by Razan Mograbe
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  • Dawn, a girl who loves to draw, creates a scary claw monster with her brother's support. They enjoy lunch together and Dawn completes her drawing.
    by Razan Mograbe
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  • A maid who loves painting faces challenges at work but eventually finds success and freedom.
    by Razan Mograbe
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  • Scot finds a mysterious scroll and tries to decipher its message, but fails. He plays Scrabble and takes a bath, giving up on the scroll.
    by Razan Mograbe
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