The story revolves around a group of friends, known as 'The Four', who plan to toilet paper their school. The plot thickens when two other students, Ben and Kylie, discover the plan and decide to join in, leading to the formation of 'The Six'.
Holly Riving has always had visions. But one day when she reads a book at school, she shockingly realizes her destiny. Will she fulfill it, or will it all go wrong?
When Marshmallow, Jade's daughter, gets trapped inside a barn, things happen and Jade needs to save her daughter and help her friends! This exciting, scary story is so entertaining you'll want to never, ever, turn off your computer and stop reading. Happy reading!
A family discusses getting guinea pigs, and after some deliberation, they finally get them. One of the guinea pigs is skittish while the other is tame.
The story follows a kitten named Whiskers who is separated from her parents and embarks on a journey to find them. Along the way, she learns about survival, encounters various challenges, and eventually reunites with her parents.