My Public / Unpublished Books (8)

  • by mytamyra
  • Ananya discovers a map to the Enchanted Forest, meets magical creatures, and safeguards a crystal of Lumina's magic. She later passes her guardianship to Maya, and together they restore balance to the Dark Forest.
    by mytamyra
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  • Maya and her dad visit Fishworld and discover a mermaid show. Maya suspects one of the mermaids is real and sets out to free her with Lily's help.
    by mytamyra
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  • Lily, a short and bullied girl, finds strength within herself and grows taller, inspiring others to embrace their inner strength.
    by mytamyra
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  • This book explores the history, symbolism, appearance, powers, and cultural significance of unicorns, as well as their literary references and modern popularity.
    by mytamyra
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  • In a small village, Ron and Sam had a son named Anton, who was married to a girl named Raya. Raya was greedy and always wanted more things.
    by mytamyra
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  • Lilac, a girl who wants her own favorite restaurant, tries different cuisines but only finds it at 'Commonwealth'. She shares her discovery with friends.
    by mytamyra
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  • this will tell you why it is not good to bully and the bad impacts that can happen in your life if you become so much proud
    by mytamyra
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