My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • A brief overview of Virginia, including its history, famous landmarks, and size.
    by nataliesimis
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  • Maya, the former boss of M&M's, contemplates throwing a tantrum but decides to go shopping instead. She meets a friend in the food court and receives a text from Sally, who is always sad. Maya then goes swimming and encounters a human.
    by nataliesimis
    Eye Icon 51
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  • A brief exploration of the existence and cultural significance of mermaids, including their diet, sightings, and representation in media and fashion.
    by nataliesimis
    Eye Icon 521
    Star Icon 40
  • Ruby and Alex have the ability to transform into various creatures, but they eventually return to their normal selves. The story is introduced by Natalie, who explains her love for magic and swimming.
    by nataliesimis
    Eye Icon 13
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  • A brief exploration of the world, its inhabitants, languages, and diversity, with a personal touch.
    by nataliesimis
    Eye Icon 32
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