My Public / Unpublished Books (7)

  • The story provides information about various landmarks and attractions in different countries, including Italy, Greece, Turkey, Croatia, Romania, and Ukraine.
    by Nina Krasylova
    Eye Icon 170
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  • A group of animals find shelter in a mitten, but when the owner comes looking for it, chaos ensues.
    by Nina Krasylova
    Eye Icon 52
  • A collection of crossword puzzles, word completions, and question-answer activities for children to solve.
    by Nina Krasylova
    Eye Icon 80
  • Ethan and his family find a lost dog in the forest during a picnic. They share their food with the dog, then encounter a princess who needs their help.
    by Nina Krasylova
    Eye Icon 238
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  • The Ukrainian Wedding is a symbolic celebration of Ukraine culture, with various traditions and customs. The story describes the wedding ceremony, including the buyout of the bride, blessing, karavai, embroidered towel, and the celebration.
    by Nina Krasylova
    Eye Icon 14
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  • A description of traditional Ukrainian costumes and arts, including embroidery, pottery, and painting.
    by Nina Krasylova
    Eye Icon 13
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