My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • A shipwreck leaves Phillip stranded on an island with a black man named Timothy. They face challenges, including a hurricane, but are eventually rescued.
    by Nolan Britton
    Eye Icon 35
    Star Icon 2
  • MAx is cool
    by Nolan Britton
    Eye Icon 296
    Star Icon 9
  • A child hurts their leg while riding a bike, gets stitches, and gradually recovers.
    by Nolan Britton
    Eye Icon 13
    Star Icon 2
  • Max, a magical flying dog, discovers his owner has been stabbed and sets out to find the culprit. He encounters a clown who turns out to be his new owner in disguise. Max defeats the clown and saves his original owner.
    by Nolan Britton
    Eye Icon 84

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