My Public / Unpublished Books (1)

  • Read about famous personalities from Europe and their families. Learn about Grigore Vieru, a famous Moldovan writer, Mihai Eminescu, a Romanian poet and writer, Iulia Hasdeu, a Romanian child prodigy, Kristaps Neretnieks, a Latvian show jumping competitor, Antons Bārda, a Latvian poet, Mareks Bahmanis, a Latvian rap artist, Laima Vaikule, a Latvian actress and singer, Raimonds Pauls, a Latvian composer and pianist, Kaspars Gorkšs, a former Latvian footballer, Raimonds Pauls, a Latvian composer and pianist, Fricis Bārda, a Latvian poet, Intars Busulis, a Latvian singer and musician, Kārlis Baumanis, a Latvian poet, Miervaldis Birze, a Latvian mathematician, Ojārs Vācietis, a Latvian writer, Egils Levits, the President of Latvia, Janis Rozentāls, a Latvian painter, Lydia Koidula, an Estonian writer and playwright, The Malmstens, a family of actors in Estonia, Ott Tänak, an Estonian rally driver, Andreas Melts, an Estonian comedian/TikTok star, Aziz Sancar, a Turkish Nobel Prize-winning chemist, Cahit Arf, a Turkish mathematician, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of modern Turkey, Halide Edip Adıvar, a Turkish writer and politician, Constantin Brâncuși, a Romanian sculptor, Eugen Doga, a Moldovan composer, Alexandru Donici, a Moldovan writer and poet.
    by Adelina Pîntea
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