My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • This is the ABC's of 7th Grade Science! Check out what things you learn in 7th grade! :)
    by Parisa Majumdar _ Student - GreenHopeES
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  • A collection of four poems that celebrate the changing seasons and the joys they bring.
    by Parisa Majumdar _ Student - GreenHopeES
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  • Frederick Douglass, born as Frederick Augustus Bailey, was born in Tuckahoe, Maryland. He was known as a major abolitionist in the 19th century. Frederick was a slave, so he worked on many different plantations in his childhood, and as he got older, the idea of freedom had fascinated him. He loved the fact of being an abolitionist and ending slavery! Frederick knew that his answer to achieving freedom was being able to be literate. In other words, having the ability to read and write, because that would help him have a voice to communicate with white people. This book is about him, an American abolitionist, who changed the lives of all African Americans today.
    by Parisa Majumdar _ Student - GreenHopeES
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  • Splash!!! Dive into this book and learn all the things you read, so you can become a swimming master like me!
    by Parisa Majumdar _ Student - GreenHopeES
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  • Read the story of an ice cream who hates the heat and the sun...!
    by Parisa Majumdar _ Student - GreenHopeES
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  • Learn to not cut down trees! They help us humans be alive so we should respect them by not cutting them down! In this book you will learn a mistake a man makes, but 2 children come to the rescue and save the day.
    by Parisa Majumdar _ Student - GreenHopeES
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