My Public / Unpublished Books (11)

  • A curious child discovers a room full of surprises, including gold, puppies, and kittens. With the help of friends, they open an animal shelter called 'Pretty Paws'. The moral is to always help all species.
    by Preeti Tiwari
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  • A young boy dreams of going to the beach with his family, but it turns out to be just a dream. The moral is that dreams can bring happiness and fun.
    by Preeti Tiwari
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  • by Preeti Tiwari
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  • by Preeti Tiwari
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  • A tortoise and a bird argue about the superiority of their homes, but the bird ultimately values the companionship in its humble nest.
    by Preeti Tiwari
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  • A salt seller teaches a lesson to his donkey who keeps playing tricks with the salt bag. The donkey learns that luck won't favor always.
    by Preeti Tiwari
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  • A jester's quick thinking saves him from being hanged by the king.
    by Preeti Tiwari
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  • A wise man teaches people a valuable lesson about worrying through a simple joke.
    by Preeti Tiwari
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  • A group of frogs falls into a pit. Despite discouragement, one frog perseveres and escapes, while the other gives up and dies.
    by Preeti Tiwari
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  • you will love it
    by Preeti Tiwari
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  • A spaceship lands near a city, and four magical aliens help fight crime and bring happiness to the people.
    by Preeti Tiwari
    Eye Icon 8

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