My Public / Unpublished Books (4)

  • by Preppy Lorax Hehe
  • Amber faces a new threat to the sun's light after defeating Solaris. With Jace, she seeks celestial shards to restore balance and confronts the shadowy Umbra in a battle for the world's fate.
    by Preppy Lorax Hehe
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  • Amber battles Solaris to save the sun and the world, discovering her true power and purpose as she seeks ancient relics to restore balance and light.
    by Preppy Lorax Hehe
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  • In a scorched world, Amber seeks water for her family and teams up with Princess Amethyst to stop the villain Solaris from destroying the sun, forging a bond of friendship and courage along the way.
    by Preppy Lorax Hehe
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