My Published Books (2)

  • This is a (K-3rd Grade) childrens'book that sheds light on mental health. this uplifting story provides information and hope to anyone who is experiencing deep sadness. Exposing young learners to mental welfare prosperity, in a joyful and friendly space, plays a pivotal role in normalizing the mental health narrative.
    by Pedro Trivella
    Eye Icon 79
    Star Icon 2
  • This is a (K-3rd Grade) childrens'book that sheds light on mental health. this uplifting story provides information and hope to anyone who is experiencing deep sadness. Exposing young learners to mental welfare prosperity, in a joyful and friendly space, plays a pivotal role in normalizing the mental health narrative.
    by Pedro Trivella
    Eye Icon 152
    Star Icon 7

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