My Public / Unpublished Books (7)

  • Recycling helps us keep our Earth clean, safe, and beautiful. But why is that so important? Let's think about the things we use every day. Where do all those bottles, paper, and cans go when we throw them away?"
    by Adyna Godja
    Eye Icon 22
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  • This story is about Christmas traditions in different countries, including Denmark, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Greece, Serbia, Croatia, Poland, and Turkey. It describes the customs, food, decorations, and celebrations associated with Christmas in each country.
    by Adyna Godja
    Eye Icon 923
    Star Icon 1
  • A collection of poems and writings by students from different countries about the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on their lives and education.
    by Adyna Godja
    Eye Icon 38
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  • by Adyna Godja
    Eye Icon 114
  • Our book during the pandemic.
    by Adyna Godja
    Eye Icon 53
  • This story is a collection of biographical information about various famous individuals from different countries and fields. It includes details about their lives, achievements, and contributions to society.
    by Adyna Godja
    Eye Icon 355
  • Carnival Masks StoryBook
    by Adyna Godja
    Eye Icon 283
    Star Icon 3

My Collection - "ADINA" Follow Collection


My Collection - "Books I Like" Follow Collection

  • "Recycling: Saving Our Planet with Good Deeds" Godja Adina, România
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