My Public / Unpublished Books (12)

  • A girl named Jane meets a fairy, who she later introduces to her adopted granddaughter! Oh, and join the pink club!!!
    by Elaida Sonstroem
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  • Elaida introduces the Paars club, a club dedicated to the color purple. She explains the rankings and job choices within the club, as well as tasks to earn points. She invites readers to join and hints at upcoming books.
    by Elaida Sonstroem
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  • Leave a comment below or go to the chat page and follow the directions!
    by Elaida Sonstroem
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  • Some songs from the Faber 2A and 2B books that I really enjoy!
    by Elaida Sonstroem
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  • A narrator invites kids to join the Kid Club, a unique club focused on being yourself. The narrator introduces mentors and explains the club's activities.
    by Elaida Sonstroem
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  • A young girl named Elaida discovers a palace underwater and forms a club called the Paars club to share her experience with others.
    by Elaida Sonstroem
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  • A mentor welcomes readers to their program, discusses feelings of loneliness and uniqueness, and goes on a magical adventure. They also invite readers to contribute to the story.
    by Elaida Sonstroem
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  • by Elaida Sonstroem
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  • This book introduces the concept of stretching, provides instructions on how to stretch properly, and encourages readers to incorporate stretching into their daily routine.
    by Elaida Sonstroem
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  • by Elaida Sonstroem
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  • Umbren gets sucked into a portal and ends up in her own house. She tells her family and they have a day of fun before returning home.
    by Elaida Sonstroem
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  • by Elaida Sonstroem
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