My Public / Unpublished Books (4)

  • Bert, a 10-year-old boy, dreams of dancing but is afraid to ask his parents. He sneaks into his sisters' dance class and gets caught. His parents surprise him by signing him up for dance lessons.
    by Roxanne Hanko
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  • 5-year-old Jude takes us on a tour of her day.
    by Roxanne Hanko
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  • This is an informative story about Bert, Alexia, and Judith teaching children how to stay healthy at home. It covers topics like hand washing, eating healthy, brushing teeth, dressing appropriately, playing, cleaning up, physical activity, family meals, relaxation, bathing, and sleep.
    by Roxanne Hanko
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  • The story discusses the moral and ethical responsibilities of those who work with young children, focusing on the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct and its core values and sections.
    by Roxanne Hanko
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