My Published Books (5)

  • A dog owner reflects on his bond with his Golden Retriever, Archie, while longing for a German Shepherd. Through training and a new puppy, he discovers true companionship with both dogs.
    by Gabriel Gorelik
    Eye Icon 28
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  • Bruno, living in a dystopian future, plans to escape Boston with his family. He faces challenges and danger along the way.
    by Gabriel Gorelik
    Eye Icon 66
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  • This book was written by an 8th Grader and takes place in a middle school. It is about An 8th Grader’s dream of becoming a dictator, his short lived success, and his subsequent fall from grace.
    This book reminds us all, of the dangers of personality cults. It is also the intended to discourage aspiring dictators. I hope, that you will enjoy reading this book, as much as I have enjoyed writing it.

    Gabriel Leonidovich Gorelik
    by Gabriel Gorelik
    Eye Icon 378
    Star Icon 12
  • A collection of poems and personal reflections by Gabriel Gorelik, covering various topics such as words, nature, identity, and happiness.
    by Gabriel Gorelik
    Eye Icon 362
    Star Icon 14
  • Charles, a white boy in 1963 Washington DC, witnesses the Civil Rights Movement and has a change of heart.
    by Gabriel Gorelik
    Eye Icon 230
    Star Icon 5

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