My Published Books (1)

  • This is a book about two friends and one of them broke her arm and goes to the hospital and her friend misses her.
    by Samara Collins
    Eye Icon 94
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My Public / Unpublished Books (22)

  • Karen and Bill face a series of challenges, including forgetting their child at home and a false job loss. They overcome them and celebrate.
    by Samara Collins
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  • Mary moves to a new school and initially feels happy, but then worries about saying goodbye to her friends. However, she eventually makes new friends and loves her new school.
    by Samara Collins
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  • The Smith family faces a fire caused by Karin's mistake. They call firefighters and decide to move, living happily ever after.
    by Samara Collins
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  • by Samara Collins
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  • by Samara Collins
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  • I have a bad feeling...
    by Samara Collins
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  • Brownie and Cupcake, two pets, are left home alone for the first time when their owner goes on a trip. They search for her, get scared, but eventually she returns with a gift.
    by Samara Collins
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  • by Samara Collins
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  • by Samara Collins
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  • by Samara Collins
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  • Sophia loves watching ballerinas on TV and dreams of going to ballet school. Her mom surprises her with the news that she will be attending ballet school. Sophia is excited and they stop at the store for supplies.
    by Samara Collins
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  • This is a book a bout two kittens, you read the rest!
    by Samara Collins
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  • by Samara Collins
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  • by Samara Collins
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  • A group of characters named Laney introduce themselves with different identities, including animals and objects.
    by Samara Collins
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  • Mary goes to the dentist for the first time and is initially scared, but ends up enjoying it.
    by Samara Collins
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  • Ila and Cone ask their mom to go to a dance party, but she says no. They cry on the way home. The next day is Halloween and they are excited to get candy.
    by Samara Collins
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  • by Samara Collins
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  • The story of Alexander Hamilton, from his experience with a hurricane to his role in the Revolutionary War and becoming the first Secretary of the Treasury.
    by Samara Collins
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  • A young protagonist wakes up in a parallel universe and must find a way back home through a portal in their room.
    by Samara Collins
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  • larry is little
    by Samara Collins
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  • by Samara Collins
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