My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • A lion spares a mouse's life, and later the mouse helps free the lion from hunters. The moral is that little friends can be great friends.
    by shonaali
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  • A merchant and his donkey learn a lesson about being too clever. The donkey tries to trick the merchant by falling into a river with bags of salt, but ends up with heavier bags of sponges.
    by shonaali
    Eye Icon 329
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  • A speedy hare challenges a tortoise to a race but gets overconfident and loses. The moral is that slow and steady wins the race.
    by shonaali
    Eye Icon 139
  • Patty the Milkmaid plans her future with the money she'll earn from selling milk, but her daydreaming leads to a mishap. The moral: don't count your chickens before they hatch.
    by shonaali
    Eye Icon 521
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