My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • It is an eTwinning Project Story. Our story.
    by Senem Sonmez
    Eye Icon 423
  • Vasco da Gama was a Portuguese explorer who sailed from Portugal to India in 1497. His voyage opened up an Indian Ocean route and helped change the world for Europeans.
    by Senem Sonmez
    Eye Icon 106
  • Ege and Celine are friends who meet in an international English project. They have common interests and strengthen their friendship despite the distance. Celine joins a volleyball tournament but loses. Ege surprises her by visiting, and they go to a café. They meet Celine's friend Elif and help her find a partner for a science competition. They all have fun together but Elif gets upset and leaves. They search for her and eventually find her. Their friendship grows stronger over time.
    by Senem Sonmez
    Eye Icon 191
    Star Icon 1
  • A wise woman who can accurately predict questions is tested by nine skeptical children from a village. Each child holds something behind their back and asks the woman to guess what it is. The woman surprises them with her accurate answers and imparts wisdom along the way.
    by Senem Sonmez
    Eye Icon 298
    Star Icon 1
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