My Public / Unpublished Books (10)

  • Cara, a determined and brave police officer, solves the case of a stolen pearl necklace and gold earrings with her quick thinking and detective skills.
    by Srishti SURESH
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  • Twinkle, a baby jaguar, is taken from her mother by a girl named Jessica. After realizing Twinkle needs to be free, Jessica returns her to the forest and they all become friends.
    by Srishti SURESH
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  • Find out my experience about an earthquake. It was really scary because I have never been in any natural disaster (earthquake, volcano erruption, bushfire etc)
    by Srishti SURESH
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  • Find out who saves Lucas when he gets lost in a forest when collecting twigs in Scout Camp.
    by Srishti SURESH
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  • A poem about the meaning of friendship and how to be a good friend.
    by Srishti SURESH
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  • Mrs Sail is always alone. Find out the story behind it by reading this book.
    by Srishti SURESH
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  • Maha can't draw very well and doesn't want to tell anyone that. Until, she gets into a drawing competition with her BFF Sabita and does a terrible mistake!
    by Srishti SURESH
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  • This book will give you a boost of confidence when getting bullied and you'll overcome your fear and know what to do when bullied. It's fine to get scared to tell a teacher when bullied, but if you do, you won't actually get bullied!
    by Srishti SURESH
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  • This book is all about the underwater sea creatures. I can tell you'll learn a lot of information! Don't forget, there's a whole new world in the ocean!
    by Srishti SURESH
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  • When Alyssa discovers that all the innocent creatures in the underwater world are covered head to toe in plastic, she decides to make a change that will be remembered forever.
    by Srishti SURESH
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