My Public / Unpublished Books (11)

  • A group of students work on various tasks related to democracy, climate change, and environmental problems throughout the school year.
    by stamatiastamath
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  • Students participating in an eTwinning project write a chain story about gods and goddesses from ancient Egypt embarking on an adventure to find a valuable object hidden within a mysterious papyrus. They encounter challenges and receive help from various Egyptian deities along the way.
    by stamatiastamath
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  • by stamatiastamath
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  • by stamatiastamath
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  • A collection of quotes and personal reflections on the concept of freedom from individuals in different countries.
    by stamatiastamath
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  • A project about developing creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking skills through the 'Six Thinking Hats' method. Includes introductions, school trips, friendship problems, book themes, making the world a better place, and evaluations.
    by stamatiastamath
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  • by stamatiastamath
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  • A collection of short descriptions about food art and artists from around the world, showcasing their creativity and talent.
    by stamatiastamath
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  • The story is about a project that aims to understand the experiences and hardships of young migrants in a new country. It explores their customs, memories, songs, and typical dishes. The story discusses the importance of children's rights.
    by stamatiastamath
    Eye Icon 131
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