My Published Books (6)

  • A brave little boy named Jack transforms into a super hero to provide comfort to children with textile issues.
    by Stephanie Washburn
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  • Emilee's Magical Closet is a delightful story about a little girl with a big imagination.
    by Stephanie Washburn
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  • A touching tale about a little girl named Kaitlyn with a kind and loving heart.
    by Stephanie Washburn
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  • With her favorite stuffed eagle, Sea Goggle at her side, Ellie shares her love for her country by inspirating those around her with her patriotic spirit.
    by Stephanie Washburn
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  • A touching tale of the unbreakable bond and the power of friendship that has stood the test of time.
    by Stephanie Washburn
    Eye Icon 8
  • Fireflies is a childhood memory of chasing magic on warm summer nights.
    by Stephanie Washburn
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