My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • Fred is about to discover the new world! Adventure with Fred in the new world and Find out what happens in the following books.
    by swiftboar184
    Eye Icon 2414
    Star Icon 154
  • A collection of poems, one for each month of the year, with varying styles and themes.
    by swiftboar184
    Eye Icon 139
    Star Icon 8
  • Princess Rachel is determined to avenge her parents that died from the kingdom's worst enemy. It is up to her and her best friend to try to save humanity from extinction. Will Rachel be able to do it in time? Find out!
    by swiftboar184
    Eye Icon 140
    Star Icon 11
  • Fred and Cassie are getting married! There is a disaster among all the happiness, where is Herobrine? Read and find out! What will happen when Herobrine does come?
    by swiftboar184
    Eye Icon 571
    Star Icon 50
  • Emily really loved her lost horse and so did Katrina. Will Emily be able to find her lost horse and bring him back home?
    by swiftboar184
    Eye Icon 119
    Star Icon 8

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