My Published Books (4)

  • The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince William and Kate Middleton, arrived at Victoria Airport on Day 1 of the Royal Visit, September, 2016 amid the excitement of thousands of royal fans. And at a Seniors home in Victoria, royal fans were glued to the TV watching them meet Prime Minister Trudeau. Their visit gave them many hours of entertainment. They particularly were enamored with the dutchess. So we researched things about her and had fun creating a poem and putting it into this book form. It was sent to the Duke and Dutchess at Buckingham Palace as a Christmas gift. What a thill it was to our Resdidents when they responded with a heart felt thank you letter. We hope you enjoy this poem and welcome your comments. Thank you
    by Margaret Jeana
    Eye Icon 586
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  • Being totally enthralled by the 2 grizzly bears in the sanctuary, at the top of Grouse Mountain, Vancouver, BC, and taking lots of photos of them, Margaret, an activity worker, shared them with a group of Residents with Advanced Dementia, on the 3rd floor where she works. Out of that first session, birthed a story writing group of Seniors. We became known as "The Wahootoos," named by a precious resident named Gary D. After seeing a picture of the bear, Molly spoke up and said, "the bear hates the rain." She had quite a lot to say about that bear, which her daughter later revealed, seemed to be modeled after Molly's life. The book developed through comments made by persons in the group, and even by people who passed by and had something to say, over a course of many weekly gatherings. This sweet book demonstrates that no matter what stage of life we are in, we all have something to contribute that can touch and make an impact on others lives. Enjoy, and please share your comments.
    by Margaret Jeana
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  • This book was lovingly designed by a group of seniors in Victoria, BC., facilitated by Margaret, an activity worker where they live. One of our ladies was moved by a National Geographic documentary she had seen, about a lioness in the Liuwa National Park, of Zambia, Africa. She had been the last surviving lioness of a Pride of lions on the plains. After a bond developed between a photo journalist from Europe, and Lady, the lioness, a conservationist effort began, to rebuild her Pride. That story became the platform for us to develop our story, based on the true one, but with our own creative slant. The authors have narrated the story, making it a rich gift to be shared generationally with their families and now yours. Enjoy!!!
    by Margaret Jeana
    Eye Icon 642
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  • Sasha, an adopted eagle, faces challenges and finds her place in the family with the help of her father's bravery.
    by Margaret Jeana
    Eye Icon 359
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