My Public / Unpublished Books (4)

  • A mother duck's surprise at the hatching of a strange-looking duckling leads to the young one's journey of self-discovery and acceptance.
    by thuydh
    Eye Icon 79
  • A mother duck's surprise at a strange-looking duckling hatching from one of her eggs leads to the duckling being teased and feeling unloved, prompting him to run away and have many adventures.
    by thuydh
    Eye Icon 249
    Star Icon 1
  • A recipe for making turmeric sticky rice with coconut, but the instructions are poorly organized and contain numerous errors.
    by thuydh
    Eye Icon 435
    Star Icon 10
  • Cinderella, a sweet girl mistreated by her stepmother and stepsisters, gets help from her fairy godmother to attend a ball.
    by thuydh
    Eye Icon 48
    Star Icon 1
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