My Published Books (4)

  • This is a great non-fiction book, I will guarantee! I would not say it is the best but it took me a lot of effort to think of the words like what to say.
    by T.Michael Mebrahtom
    Eye Icon 13
  • The story is a fantastical history of the 'Diary World', detailing various periods, wars, and civilizations. It includes prophecies, revolts, and technological advancements, culminating in a war won by the Diarians.
    by T.Michael Mebrahtom
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  • A simple and fun alphabet book that introduces each letter with a corresponding word and ends with a song.
    by T.Michael Mebrahtom
    Eye Icon 94
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  • The story follows the life of a dog named Laika Lola, from her experiences in World War II to her adventures in space and beyond.
    by T.Michael Mebrahtom
    Eye Icon 21

My Public / Unpublished Books (2)

  • A brief history of the Bible, from its origins in ancient Hebrew to its translations and printing in various languages.
    by T.Michael Mebrahtom
    Eye Icon 6
  • Read this book if you want to know the history and future of the Universe. It tells you at the end but I will tell you again, the history is accurate, it is just a theory. The future is a theory and may not be true. Scientists are just doing a theory that may not be accurate.
    by T.Michael Mebrahtom
    Eye Icon 4

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