My Public / Unpublished Books (9)

  • A parrot named Coco goes on an adventure, imitating different sounds and searching for his own voice.
    by şule Ataman
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  • A child's evening is interrupted by various events, including a glass breaking and a surprise visitor.
    by şule Ataman
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  • Little Lemon, a sparrow, gets separated from his stork family and embarks on an adventure to find them with the help of an owl.
    by şule Ataman
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  • by şule Ataman
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  • Mert goes on an adventure to a cave and rescues a cat and her baby. They all return home happily.
    by şule Ataman
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  • Bora and his friends prepare and perform a song for their teacher, receiving praise and a star.
    by şule Ataman
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  • Lisa's cat, Larina, goes missing and Lisa is devastated. Months later, she finds Larina at an animal shelter and they are happily reunited.
    by şule Ataman
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  • Açelya goes to her grandmother's house and gets stung by bees. She learns a lesson about touching unknown things.
    by şule Ataman
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  • A girl adopts a cat named Chivas and believes it can speak to her, but later realizes cats cannot talk. She shares a photo of Chivas.
    by şule Ataman
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