My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • A sheep named Sheepy meets a dangerous wolf. A bird named Little Bird suddenly came and helped distract the wolf while Sheepy was fighting the wolf. They soon became best friends. Enjoy reading the whole story. Author: Zy G.M.
    by unicornstarlight221
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  • Guys! I hope you enjoyed reading my book! You may print if you like just do Ctrl and P then click print. You can PRINT WHEN YOU HAVE A PRINTER. Then cut the pages out. Staple or glue then book made! Anyways I and my sister agreed that we will have Sister's Day every Thursday, so I decided that this book will be a gift for her. She also makes amazing books in storyjumper so you can check them out too! Her name in storyjumper is Pia Gutierrez Moreno or you may type out her username in the search box as Alexixs then you can see her books. I just wanted to say thank you for reading my books, I really appreciate that. Thank you so much! x3 You can check out my other books by clicking my name on top of this description box. I hope you can enjoy and learn something from them too! Bye!!! xD :) ;)
    by unicornstarlight221
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  • I hope you enjoy this book all about "Tight Adventure". In a book called Magic World part 1, there is a part where some things are copied. Please check out some other books I have. BYEEE: )
    by unicornstarlight221
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  • I hope you enjoy this book all about"THE BFG". Please check out some other books I have. BYEEE: )
    by unicornstarlight221
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  • I hope you enjoy this book all about"When the Kids grew up". Please check out some other books I have. BYEEE: )
    by unicornstarlight221
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  • I hope you enjoy this book all about"Me, My Sister and My Cousin". Please check out some other books I have. BYEEE: )
    by unicornstarlight221
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