I am a retired sixty-seven-year-old woman who loves reading books and writing poetry. I passed my love of reading on to my daughter, Miranda, whom I am sure will also pass it along to her daughter, Zara.
This is the second story I’ve written for my granddaughter. However, it will mean more to my daughter. It’s a story about a kitten she brought home one day in her pocket. She named him Diablo. I didn't like that name much at all. So, when the kitten decided I was his chosen person, I changed his name to Mama’s Boy. He was a grey cat. I couldn’t find enough images of a grey cat to fit his story, so I had to incorporate the image I used. Mama’s Boy was a smart, active, snuggling kitten/cat who won the hearts of everyone, but especially mine. And, although I didn’t get to live my whole life with him, he got to live his entire life with me. He died peacefully in my arms.