My Public / Unpublished Books (3)

  • As Ryah and her family fight for their equal rights at a march, things go terribly wrong. The British suddenly appear before Ryah's eyes. Her mother and brother are captured by them and it is up to Ryah to determine her fate as well. Will Ryah get captured or will she escape? Journey with Ryah and learn her story through this heart wrenching historical fiction.
    by vlin1908
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  • Experienced author, Vallerie Lin, crafted a simple and kid friendly informative book about hedgehogs. She digs in deeper into topics about hedgehogs such as what they eat, how they look like, and where they live.
    by vlin1908
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  • Learn about humpback whales through this enticing and easy-to-follow book. Written by a five time published author, Vallerie Lin brings information together in a joyful and creative way.
    by vlin1908
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