My Public / Unpublished Books (11)

  • An informational book about fungi, plants, and plant responses. It covers different types of fungi, plant structures, and growth responses.
    by zoates2915
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  • This book provides definitions and explanations of various terms related to microbiology and protists.
    by zoates2915
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  • by zoates2915
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  • This book provides definitions and explanations of key terms related to genetics and protein synthesis, including codon, anticodon, gene expression, mRNA, rRNA, tRNA, transcription, translation, and uracil.
    by zoates2915
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  • This book provides an overview of key terms and concepts related to genetics and meiosis, including homologous chromosomes, diploid and haploid cells, meiosis, tetrad, crossing over, and gametes.
    by zoates2915
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  • A brief explanation of the process of mitosis, including its phases and key terms.
    by zoates2915
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  • An informational book about the different parts of a cell and their functions.
    by zoates2915
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  • A list of definitions and explanations about DNA, translation, RNA, passive transport, diffusion, osmosis, solute, solvent, hypertonic, hypotonic, isotonic, facilitated diffusion, active transport, endocytosis, and exocytosis.
    by zoates2915
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  • This book provides definitions and explanations of various ecological terms, such as autotrophs, heterotrophs, food chains, and biogeochemical cycles.
    by zoates2915
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  • This book provides definitions and explanations of various scientific terms related to chemistry and biology, such as monomer, polymer, carbohydrate, lipid, nucleic acid, etc.
    by zoates2915
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