My Published Books (3)

  • Zachary and Charlie have a sleepover and discover a 3D Hypno Ring. They use it to hypnotize Zoe, turn her into a superhero, and cause mischief.
    by zwood2008
    Eye Icon 188
    Star Icon 3
  • Zachary and his friends plan to find 10 diamonds to upgrade their Nerf gun, but their sneaky attempts fail until they pickpocket the girls at the park.
    by zwood2008
    Eye Icon 186
    Star Icon 19
  • On Thanksgiving, Charlie and the narrator fall into a portal and end up in Superhero World. They have adventures, stay at a hi-tech hotel, and return home.
    by zwood2008
    Eye Icon 298
    Star Icon 10

My Public / Unpublished Books (1)

  • Zachary and Shane, two brothers from NYC, go on a Pokemon adventure to Pallet Town, battle gym leaders, and encounter Team Rocket.
    by zwood2008
    Eye Icon 213
    Star Icon 9

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