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"Riley, Riley, Riley, wake up!" Cooper whispered as he shook his
older sister!
"Whaaa? What? What's going on?" Riley asked sleepily as
she struggled to grasp what was happening.“A quest! We need
to go on a quest, right now!” Coop explained.
“A quest? What in the world are you talking
about? Are you sleep-walking again?” Riley
asked, becoming not just a bit annoyed.
“No, no, no, Riley,” Cooper went on. “You know, a quest! A
journey; an adventure!”
Riley was ready to throw her pillow at him. “Of course I
know what a quest is. I just don’t know what you are doing in
the middle of the night waking me up to tell me we need to do
this now!!!”

“Ok, here’s the deal.” Cooper began. “I have a secret
passageway in my bedroom. It’s under my bed. When I remove
the drawer on the left and crawl underneath and move all the
stuffed animals and the legos, and my dinosaur collection, there it
Riley sat up in bed, looked straight into her brother’s eyes, turned
around, threw herself face down on her bed and pulled that pillow
over her own head! “Go away,” she moaned. “I’m sleepy and
you’ve lost your mind!!!”
Coop pleaded with his sister, “Just come and see and if I’m not
right, then you can come back to bed and I’ll never mention it
again. Ok? Ok? Ok? Please, please, please???”

Riley could see there was no ending this so she
agreed and proceeded to drag herself out of her
nice warm cozy bed.
Cooper was way ahead of her. He had rounded the
corner to his room and had already removed the drawer
under his bed on the left side.
As Riley got closer, he was quickly gathering all his
stuffed animal collection from under the bed and handing
it to her. This was followed by various legos, and finally
his prized dinosaur collection.
Cooper moved over and motioned for Riley to join him
under the bed. Pretty soon only two pair of feet were
showing. As soon as Riley was in place in the dark
cramped area under the bed, Cooper slowly, dramatically
moved two pillows away from the wall.

Oh my goodness! What was Riley seeing? Daylight? That
was impossible! And yet, there it was! Both were unusually
quiet as they took it all in.

Finally, Cooper whispered, “Believe me now???” Riley by now wide
awake and as excited as her brother, exclaimed “Oh yes! Let’s go!” and
attempted to crawl through the opening.
“Oh no,” Coop stopped her. “We can’t go without Campbell and Reese!”
“Oh right,” agreed Riley. I got so excited, I forgot. Let’s go wake them.”
Quickly the two went as fast and as quietly as they could up the stairs
to the ‘little’s’ room. Riley went for Reese while Coop woke Campbell.
They tried to explain what they were doing and tried to be patient as the
girls became fully awake. Although the ‘little’s’ didn’t really understand,
they trusted their older siblings and followed them down the stairs and into
Coop’s room.
But Riley stopped short. “Wait a minute, Cooper!” She spoke as one
in authority. “How do you know this is going to work? Can we really go
through that hole in the wall and have an adventure of our dreams and
come back safely and not get lost and not be late for breakfast? I mean,
how do you know???” She demanded.

“Well,” Cooper explained with a slow drawn out
pause. “Because I’ve done it already.”
“What??? What did you do? Where did you go?
When did you do this?” demanded Riley.
All the time Campbell and Reese just stood there
hanging on every word of this proposed
“Last night! I crawled through, stood up
and decided I wanted to be
skateboarding! All of a sudden, there I
was, with a helmet and a board and in the
coolest skateboard park. I had the best
time skating and skating and all of a sudden
I knew it was time to return. As soon as I
realized and before I could think about it, I
was back at the hole in the wall. I crawled
through, got in bed, looked at the clock and
realized I had been gone only one minute!”

Riley pondered this for a moment. “Hmmm, ok, it sounds safe. So how do
we do this?”
Cooper explained that he really didn’t know. Last night he simply crawled
through the hole, had an idea, and it just happened.
“Ok,” Riley declared. “We need to come up with an idea then. What shall
we do first?”
Her three siblings all started talking at once with ideas.
“Wait, wait, wait, guys!” Cooper decided to take the reins on this one.
“let’s go to a Cardinals game! We LOVE the Cardinals!!!”
Campbell piped up “Yes, let’s do that!!! I LOVE to go to Cardinals
games!” Reese clapped her hands, agreeing, although still not quite
awake and not exactly sure what was going on or what was about to
“Well, ok, we’d better get to it. Let’s see what happens.” Riley said.

They each crawled under the bed and through the hole in
the wall to the other side, making sure to help one
another. As they stood up and squinted in the sudden
sunshine, they were aware of all the noise surrounding
them. Their eyes adjusted quickly and there they were,
right in the middle of Busch Stadium! And they had their
Cardinal shirts on and hot dogs and soda and cotton candy
and oh my!!!

Everyone was cheering around them and they had the very best
seats, you know the ones, where there is always someone to meet
your every need or desire. They never sat down the whole entire time!
It was just way too exciting! It was just so much fun! And then they
knew, they all knew at the same time that it was time to go back.
All of a sudden there they were, back at the hole in the wall. As soon as
they climbed back through the passage, they were back in their pajamas
and they hurried off to bed.

One minute of time had passed.
The crew was all asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillows. Morning
came quickly.
As they were getting dressed, they compared notes. Yep, it really
happened! And yep, they all experienced the same thing. And double
yep: it’s to be a secret just between the four of them! Why? Well,
Cooper had checked. In the daytime that passageway was not there!
How could they explain it? Who would understand? Who would believe
The day passed as usual and all got busy with various activities.After
school Riley had guitar practice and Cooper along with Campbell were at
soccer. Reese busied herself with her toys and coloring.

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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
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"Riley, Riley, Riley, wake up!" Cooper whispered as he shook his
older sister!
"Whaaa? What? What's going on?" Riley asked sleepily as
she struggled to grasp what was happening.“A quest! We need
to go on a quest, right now!” Coop explained.
“A quest? What in the world are you talking
about? Are you sleep-walking again?” Riley
asked, becoming not just a bit annoyed.
“No, no, no, Riley,” Cooper went on. “You know, a quest! A
journey; an adventure!”
Riley was ready to throw her pillow at him. “Of course I
know what a quest is. I just don’t know what you are doing in
the middle of the night waking me up to tell me we need to do
this now!!!”

“Ok, here’s the deal.” Cooper began. “I have a secret
passageway in my bedroom. It’s under my bed. When I remove
the drawer on the left and crawl underneath and move all the
stuffed animals and the legos, and my dinosaur collection, there it
Riley sat up in bed, looked straight into her brother’s eyes, turned
around, threw herself face down on her bed and pulled that pillow
over her own head! “Go away,” she moaned. “I’m sleepy and
you’ve lost your mind!!!”
Coop pleaded with his sister, “Just come and see and if I’m not
right, then you can come back to bed and I’ll never mention it
again. Ok? Ok? Ok? Please, please, please???”

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