A really good game

Created & published on StoryJumper™ ©2025 StoryJumper, Inc.
All rights reserved. Sources: storyjumper.com/attribution
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In the Overworld, zombies spawn in groups of 4 at a light level of 7 or less. In desert biomes, all zombies exposed to the sky will have an 80% chance to be replaced by husks, a zombie variant. Zombies that are not husks have a 5% chance to spawn as a zombie villager while all zombie variants also have a 5% chance to spawn as a baby zombie type. Baby zombies have an additional 5% chance of spawning as a chicken jockey.Along with skeletons, some spawned zombies can pick up dropped items from the ground. These zombies will automatically hold any item they come across (except that jack o'lanterns, mob heads, and pumpkins will be worn on their heads), but if those items happen to be armor, weapons, or tools, the zombie will use them. If they encounter another similar item, they will pick it up and drop their previous item

Skeletons can spawn almost anywhere in the Overworld at a light level of 7 or less. In the Nether, they can also spawn in nether fortresses at a light level of 7 or less in place of a wither skeleton.
Spiders have a 1% chance spawn with a skeleton riding them, creating a spider jockey.
Skeleton riders spawn when a skeleton trap is triggered by a player. The skeletons ride on skeleton horses and are equipped with enchanted bows and iron helmets, and have damage immunity for 3 seconds after spawning.
Skeletons are 1.99 blocks tall.
80% of skeletons spawned directly under the sky in ice plains, ice mountains, and ice plains spikes biomes will be strays. The Pocket Edition has a stray spawn egg in Creative.
Strays behave much the same as normal skeletons do. However, they shoot tipped arrows that inflict Slowness for 30 seconds on any target that it hits. Despite shooting slowness arrows, strays themselves are not immune to slowness.
Strays make similar noises to Skeletons, but with the addition of an echoing effect.
In addition to normal skeleton drops, strays have a 50% chance to drop a tipped arrow of Slowness.

Spiders spawn in the Overworld in 3×3×2 space on solid blocks (centered on the middle block) at a light level of 7 or less, in groups of 4. The top blocks can be transparent, but not solid.
In Pocket Edition, leaves can spawn spiders, provided that there are the same conditions as above.
Spiders drop 0-2 string upon death. If killed by a player or tamed wolf, it also has a 1⁄3 chance to drop a spider eye. They drop 5 experience when killed by a player or tamed wolf.The Spider is a hostile mob, usually spawning in groups of 1-4. They are aggressive at night, but neutral during daytime, attacking any player that provokes them. Any spider will drop 0-3 String when killed, and the occasional Spider Eye. A single spider is two blocks wide and almost one block tall, allowing them to fit through spaces.
Spiders move slightly faster than other hostile mobs, making creeping noises as they move around. They are aggressive and will perform a leap attack at the player when close enough. They make a very audible sound similar to a loud hissing. Unlike the other mobs that spawn during the night, spiders have the ability to see through every block, which is the common cause of why spiders are a frequent danger to players. This and their unique climbing skill is an extreme risk to being active during the night (especially in a shelter, where spiders can sneak onto the roof in order to reach the player). Unlike most other mobs, spiders can move easily through cobwebs.

Creepers are one of the most unique and iconic hostile mobs found in Minecraft. A Creeper can easily be recognized by its tall vertical structure (roughly the size of a player), green, pixelated skin, and four legs. It is possibly the most dangerous enemy in the game, as it is not affected by sunlight (but it can despawn after a while), which makes it a constant threat as it silently roams the map, searching for a player to explode upon. It should be noted, however that most Creepers doDespawn during the day, along with Spiders. It is often used as the game's mascot by Mojang, since Creepers are not "monsters" in real life The Creeper was created by accident by Notch, creator of Minecraft. Meaning to create the first ever passive mob, the pig, the code went wrong. Instead of a pig he got a tall, slim being with the face and torso the shape of a player. With no arms and 4 stubby legs, this creature became known as the Creeper, a mob that when provoked or within distance of player blows up. It has earned Minecraft billions in marketing, and is the most recognizable Minecraft mob and character, including Steve.

Slimes are rare Mobs that naturally spawn in 3 different sizes: Big, Small, and Tiny, and split into smaller Slimes when killed. They can be found in only specific Swamp Biomes, as a rare mob deep underground, or in Superflat worlds. Big and Small Slimes are both hostile, and Big Slimes always split into 2 Small slimes when killed, where as Small Slimes can split into 2, 3, or 4 Tiny Slimes. Tiny Slimes are passive, and are popular pets among minecraft fans, because they will follow you around, and do not require taming, but they can Despawn unless they have a name tag.

An Enderman is a Minecraft mob who hates being looked at, has long legs, purple eyes, and carries BlocksEndermen will wander and teleport around randomly, until a player attacks or "stares" at them. "Staring" at an Enderman is defined as aiming the cross hair over the Enderman's face [1]. Once a player makes eye contact with an Enderman, it becomes hostile toward them. An Enderman will not be alerted if you look at any other part of its body.Since 1.4.2, the Enderman will make a sound upon being provoked. The sound sounds similar to a loud running engine and is a warning to brace for sudden attacks. Even if the sounds have stopped, it does not mean that the Enderman has disappeared. It may have transported far away from the player or gotten stuck somewhere such as a nearby Cave. If you leave the world and then come back while being attacked by an Enderman, it may have calmed down or teleported away. All Endermen will calm down at dawn, and while they do not burn in Sunlight, will teleport back to The End.Endermen will take damage from both Water (including rain) and Fire or Lava, and will teleport away

Cave Spiders are neutral mobs introduced after the release of 1.8, in the console versions and added in Pocket Edition in 0.11.0. They are only found in Caves. Cave spiders are smaller than regular Spiders and are re-textured to a dark blue. They are superior and slightly more dangerous than normal spiders as they can fit through 0.5x1 holes (through half block holes) and can climb up walls, but they do have less health than ordinary Spiders, and may cause themselves to take fall damage.A special attack that the cave spider possesses is the ability to poison players. Although the venom does not affect the player's armor, it also won't kill the player, instead it will reduce the players health to half a heart. The venom is not released from the spider on every attack but has a set probability of occurrence. The poisoning can be cured with Milk. In easy mode, Cave Spiders do not poison players.

A Witch is a ranged mob, added in the Pretty Scary Update. Witches are hostile and are found mostly in Swamp Biomes wandering around their houses. When a Witch notices the player they begin to viciously attack them with splash potions. Witches also have the ability to regenerate health. It fires splash potions of weakness, slowness, poison, and harming to weaken the player so it makes it easier to attack the player. Because of this, the player's armor is rendered useless regardless of the armor's material and/or enchantments Since 1.7.2 witches now spawn naturally, though they are rarer than Endermen. Before this update they could only be found in Witches' huts. They also spawn when a villager is struck with lightning.

So ugly!

No I am not!
The nether

Zombie Pigmen are a neutral mob from The Nether, and drop 0-1 pieces of rotten flesh upon death as well as 0-1 gold nuggets. They occasionally drop a gold sword or gold helmet if defeated. Zombie Pigmen can also drop gold ingots, or a gold sword however this is very rare.They travel in groups of up to 20, and do not attack the player unless the player attacks them first. Zombie Pigmen are able to drown, but cannot be killed by lava. Because they are well-armed, Zombie Pigmen are highly dangerous to an unsuspecting player, also considering the Ghasts and horrible terrain of the Nether.Attacking one Zombie Pigman causes the whole group of nearby Zombie Pigmen to become hostile and attack all the players if you are in multiplayer mode, likewolves. Zombie Pigmen won't become neutral again unless they're killed, they won't become neutral even if the player dies, regardless whenever the death was caused by the pigman or not; however, they are faster than a walking player (speed of .95 Blocks Per Second is the enraged zombie pigman's speed)

Ghasts are hostile Nether dwelling mobs that float around and shoot explosive fireballs at players. Ghasts are cube shaped with 9 large tentacles hanging beneath them, and their main body is an exact 4 * 4 * 4 block cube, but despite their ghost like appearance and their ability to move through other mobs, they cannot move through solid blocks or be done extra damage to from the smite enchantment. Ghasts were first added in the Halloween update, and will spawn anywhere in the Nether where there is a 5 * 5 * 5 block space.When a Ghast finds a player, it will keep floating around, but it will face the player and start opening its red mouth and eyes and spitting Fire Charges whenever it has a clear shot. The only warning a player will get is the Ghast's high-pitched scream before the shot is fired. These fireballs create explosions and light nearby blocks on fire. Due to this, Ghasts can very quickly cover the landscape in fire. Ghasts will always float around randomly, unless a player comes within one chunk from one, which is when it will attempt to gain altitude, but keep shooting at the player.

I want a hug:(
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A really good game

Created & published on StoryJumper™ ©2025 StoryJumper, Inc.
All rights reserved. Sources: storyjumper.com/attribution
Preview audio:
In the Overworld, zombies spawn in groups of 4 at a light level of 7 or less. In desert biomes, all zombies exposed to the sky will have an 80% chance to be replaced by husks, a zombie variant. Zombies that are not husks have a 5% chance to spawn as a zombie villager while all zombie variants also have a 5% chance to spawn as a baby zombie type. Baby zombies have an additional 5% chance of spawning as a chicken jockey.Along with skeletons, some spawned zombies can pick up dropped items from the ground. These zombies will automatically hold any item they come across (except that jack o'lanterns, mob heads, and pumpkins will be worn on their heads), but if those items happen to be armor, weapons, or tools, the zombie will use them. If they encounter another similar item, they will pick it up and drop their previous item

Skeletons can spawn almost anywhere in the Overworld at a light level of 7 or less. In the Nether, they can also spawn in nether fortresses at a light level of 7 or less in place of a wither skeleton.
Spiders have a 1% chance spawn with a skeleton riding them, creating a spider jockey.
Skeleton riders spawn when a skeleton trap is triggered by a player. The skeletons ride on skeleton horses and are equipped with enchanted bows and iron helmets, and have damage immunity for 3 seconds after spawning.
Skeletons are 1.99 blocks tall.
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