My Public / Unpublished Books (4)

  • Lizzy struggles with math and neglects her studies for play. After a tough test, she learns the importance of preparation and vows to study for the future.
    by Nora Galey
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  • Learn about Kentucky's history, important figures like Abraham Lincoln, and its unique plants and animals in this informative piece.
    by Nora Galey
  • Junior is scared of a man from a book. His mother helps him hide and distracts the man with doughnuts, but the adventure leaves them wondering if it will happen again with Junior's child.
    by Nora Galey
    Eye Icon 5
  • Minecraft is a game with various modes and blocks, where players can mine, craft, and explore. It features different mobs and weapons, making each gameplay unique and exciting.
    by Nora Galey
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