'Cuz it's awesome. #AmStudies
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One day, there a little boy and his
father were hanging out in a small

The little boy was very obsessed with his
phone, computer and television.

On that day, his father decided to take the boy
to a museum.

"Eli Whitney was a Famous American slave
owner. He was the first person to invent
anything American. His invention was the
cotton gin. He also made the milling machine."

Then the father said, "Little Jimmy, Eli Whitney did not invent
the cotton gin, he stole the design from his slave!"
"Wow, daddy. I did not know that. Thanks for telling me."
The two then continued onto the Embargo exhibit.

"The Embargo of 1807 helped America
become self- sufficient. The British and
the French governments decided that they
would cut off all trade with America! The
Americans, as awesome as they were,
became self reliant and more productive
in their efforts to have a successful

Little Jimmy was so excited about this new
information, that he was tweeting and
SnapChatting his friends photos of the exhibit!
The father then said, "Now, Jimmy, we are
going to move onto the War of 1812. It is
nothing like the video games that you play."

The curious Little Jimmy was very excited to see what was in store....
"Look, Jimmy! That's the
exhibit for the War of
1812! Do you know what
this War's second name
is?", the father asked.
Little Jimmy quickly took
out his phone and
searched it up. After a
few seconds, he quickly
replied, "Yes I do! It was
called the Second War of
American Independence.

War of 1812

The father responded, "Well done, Jimmy! The War of 1812 was
a war between Britain and America. It was known as the 'Second
War of Independence' because it lasted a long time. It was also
called that because America was going up against the British
navy, the strongest force on the 'seven seas'!"
Jimmy's dad was a smart man and did not need silly technology
to learn about history.

Jimmy was so impressed, that now he began
asking his father history questions.
"What was the Louisiana Purchase?", he asked
"In 1803, America bought Louisiana from
Napoleon, the emperor of France, for 4 cents
per acre. Napoleon couldn't maintain an
overseas empire and needed money to fund
his military."

The father was doing very well explaining
American history to Jimmy. So, he decided to
continue on with his expression of knowledge.
He then went on to tell Little Jimmy about the
judicial branch of American and a few of the
famous cases the Supreme Court had

The father talked about McCulloch v. Maryland
first. He said, "Jimmy, I'm going to tell you
about our Supreme Court and three very
famous cases.
"McCulloch v. Maryland was about a how
Maryland was imposing taxes on banks which
weren't chartered by the state. McCulloch got
angry and appealed to the Supreme Court. The
ruling of the case was that states weren't
allowed to control operations which were put in
place by the Congress."

"Marbury v. Madison", he continued, "was about William
Marbury not getting a letter of conformation for his
presidentially appointed job as a justice of the peace.
And lastly, Gibbons v. Ogden was regarding a ruling
made by the Supreme Court stating that interstate
commerce was to be regulated by congress."
Baffled by this information, Jimmy took to his phone
again. He look up the similarities between these three
and realized that Chief Justice Marshall stuck by the
Constitution in all three cases, and stated that a lot of
power resided with the Federal governments.

On their way home, both Little Jimmy and his father
were talking about how the states came to be. Jimmy
asked how Florida became an American state and how it
was handed over by the Spanish.
"Well", the father began, "Florida was given to America
by the the Spanish government around 1820. They
declared this in a treaty known as the Adams- Onis
Treaty. This treaty handed the territory of Florida to the
Americans as well as establish a new southern border
between New Spain (Mexico) and America.

"But that's not all", continued the father, "On
December 2, 1823 we introduced the policy of
Monroe Doctorine. The Monroe Doctorine said
that if any european tried to colonize or
interfere with any land in the Americas, it
would be considered an act of aggression.
Nowadays we call it our foreigen policy."

"Wow that was cool", said little jimmy. "Well if you really
want to know cool you should look at the old book in the

One of America's
most unifying
moments was during
Henry clays time. He
established the tariff
of 1816 which put a
tax on any imported
item. this would allow
funding for
infrastructure and
schools, but at the
same time make
America independent
because most
this caused most
Americans to make
their own product
rather then buying
them which in term
started our economy.
This plan also created
our very own bank of
U.S. to preserve our
currency and our state
and local banks.

Chapter 2 American literature
"Nature" was a text by Ralph Waldo Emerson.
In this text he talks about secluding yourself from
society. When you are secluded from society you
begin to notice more. Nature never wears a mean
expression meaning that every time you look at
nature you will find it calming and peaceful.You can
pieces of nature but never the Whole thing. He
then begins to speak of his experience with nature.
However much we refuse to admit it we will always
need nature. there will always be a balance in
between man and nature.

The message that Emerson was trying to get
across was that nature is the greatest thing there
is if we open our mind to it. This can be inferred so
because of the many time he referred to the stars.
"The stars awaken a certain reverence, because
though always present, they are inaccessible; but
all natural objects make a kindred impression,
when the mind is open to their influence."
(Emerson). He is saying that we have to open our
minds toward nature. During this time
industrialization began and we had crowded cities
and mentally closed our minds. He was trying to
get people to find the hidden meaning in nature.

Emerson's work relates to establishing nationalism
because Transcendentalism(Emerson type of
writing) because it is uniquely American.
Transcendentalism began during the westward
expansion. People were moving out west because
of crowded cites and opportunities in the west. As
people are moving out west they began to see
more in nature the opportunities and the beauty.
one of the core beliefs of transcendentalism is we
aren't truly part of society until we are
independent. moving out west there were no
slaves or anything you would have to do
everything yourselves be truly independent.

Chapter 3 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
"The tide rises, the tide falls" was one of
Longfellow's romantic pieces. The words "the tide
rises the tide falls" represents the never ending
cycling of nature. Nature's vastness was also
represented by using the ocean. The ocean almost
seems as though it is never ending and it power is
truly unmatched.The footprint represents man, we
can leave over "footprint" anywhere but nature will
wash it away. The traveler that left the footprint
never returned.
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'Cuz it's awesome. #AmStudies
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

One day, there a little boy and his
father were hanging out in a small

The little boy was very obsessed with his
phone, computer and television.

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