David woke up to a loud BOOM outside his window. It was thundering and raining outside. This is not how David imagined he would wake up. He did not like storms because they stopped him from playing outside.

David went downstairs. His dad was making him breakfast and boy, did it look good! Pancakes! David LOVED pancakes.

He counted the pancakes as his daddy put them on his plate. 1...2…3….4! 4 Pancakes! David put a lot of syrup on his pancakes.

As David ate his breakfast, he wrote his name on his placemat. D-A-V-I-D. His daddy was so proud David could write his name!

After breakfast, David went into his playroom and started to work on a card for his mom. She was at work today and he missed her a great deal. He slowly traced a heart stencil onto a piece of paper and cut the heart out to add to his card for her. He glued everything together and wrote “M-O-M” on the front. She will love his card!

David wrote his name on the inside of the card, saying his first and last name out loud as he wrote it. “David Smith” he said. He was so proud of how well he wrote the letter S, as that was tricky for him only a few weeks ago.

By the time he finished making a card for his mom, the rain stopped! The sun came out and David saw a rainbow. His dad asked him what colors he saw. David saw red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and indigo. His daddy was so proud David knew his colors!
David sang “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” to celebrate the end of the storm. He was so excited to go outside and play.

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David woke up to a loud BOOM outside his window. It was thundering and raining outside. This is not how David imagined he would wake up. He did not like storms because they stopped him from playing outside.

David went downstairs. His dad was making him breakfast and boy, did it look good! Pancakes! David LOVED pancakes.

He counted the pancakes as his daddy put them on his plate. 1...2…3….4! 4 Pancakes! David put a lot of syrup on his pancakes.
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