Absurd Books

  • Alice in Wonderland
    Imagine "Alice in Wonderland" without all the boring text. This is like a 3rd grade summary of our favorite classic. Also, it was homework.
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  • the old lady who swalowed a pumpkin
    A nonsensical and chaotic story about an old lady who eats various animals, leading to her demise.
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  • I Know an Old Lady The poem by author unknown
    A humorous poem about an old lady who swallows various animals, with each one swallowed to catch the previous one.
    Officer Lawrence is a member of New Eden's police force. When his partner calls in sick one day, Lawrence is joined by an unlikely passenger. Jelly Bean is a squirrel who has…
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    When I was in Grade 7 I used to doodle when I got bored. I created a character called 'Moldy Marvin' during science class one day. In this story, Ryan has a big science test …
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    When a mad bomber threatens the city, the police are left with no choice. They have to contact Lollipop, Undercover Clown. He's unconventional but gets the job done. As it tu…
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  • Drake's Memeworthy Moments: A Journey Through mInternet Culture
    This book tells the story of how a music video by Drake became a viral meme sensation, its spread across the internet, and its impact on pop culture.
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    In the whimsical land of Mirthville, the Minions, small yellow creatures, aim to steal the show at the Festival of Folly with their comical juggling act.
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