Adjustment Books

  • What's In Mommy's Tummy?
    Carter wonders what's inside Mommy's tummy and discovers it's a baby sister. He initially worries about losing attention but realizes he can still have time with his family.
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  • The Potato Family
    Fred welcomes his new baby brother, Spud, and learns to adjust to the changes in his family dynamic.
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  • What's In Mommy's Tummy?
    Lucas wonders what's inside Mommy's tummy and discovers it's a beautiful baby sister. He worries about not having enough time, but realizes they can all spend equal time toge…
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    Finn, a 7-year-old boy, moves to Japan with his family and struggles to adjust to the new culture and language. He eventually makes a new friend, Tai, and learns that despite…
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  • Sammy's New School
    Sammy and his family are moving to a new house. Sammy is nervous about starting a new school and making new friends.
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    this book is for every body who knows how it feels when you move away from your friends.
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  • Josiah Becomes a Big Brother
    Josiah, a soon-to-be big brother, overcomes his initial worries and learns to embrace his new role with the help of his mom and a 'Big Brother Book'.
  • Mankind's Best Friend
    A young boy adjusts to yet another move, but finds solace in the beauty of his new city and the companionship of a service dog.
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