Beat Saber Books

  • Oculus Quest : VR
    Sophie shares her thoughts on the best VR headset in 2019, focusing on Oculus Quest and popular games like Beat Saber and Vader Immortal.
  • life in VR
    In the year 2050, virtual reality becomes safer. The protagonist meets a friend and they have adventures together.
  • Wizards, Magic, and Ninjas
    A tale of a Ninja Wizard who faces aliens and robots in a battle to save the city.
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  • Diary of an 8-Bit ocelot
    Reece wants to be a warrior... but come on.
    An ocelot warrior?? You must be joking. That could never happen.
    Or could it?
    See what ha…
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  • General George Patton
    The story of General George S. Patton Jr., a prominent military leader in the 20th century, from his birth to his death.
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  • Uma funcionária resolve bullying A worker solves bullying
    Pedro is bullied by a group of classmates who demand money from him. A worker intervenes and advises Pedro to report the bullying. The worker also talks to the bullies, who e…
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  • All About Me!
    A personal narrative about the author's life, interests, and aspirations, including their family, hobbies, education, and preferences.
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