Bedroom Books

  • Bedroom wars
    Zachary and his friends plan to find 10 diamonds to upgrade their Nerf gun, but their sneaky attempts fail until they pickpocket the girls at the park.
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    Even children deal with jealousy. We must teach children to never allow jealousy to destroy friendship. Jealousy is a bad feeling, and there is no need to be jealous of anyon…
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  • Terry and Fear
    This book is for children dealing with fear. Do not allow fear to stop you from doing great things in life and making right decisions. We must teach children to be bold and t…
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  • My Bedroom
    A child describes the items in their bedroom and expresses their love for it.
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  • If I Built a Bedroom
    Zack describes his boring bedroom and imagines a futuristic room with helpful features like robotic cleaning, a toothbrush in the wall, and a secret passage to a toy store.
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  • Mincraft Bloggers
    Leah describes her newly built house, providing a tour of each room and explaining where she stayed during construction.
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  • Beauty - It's only Skin Deep
    “To all the girls that think you’re fat because you’re not a size zero, you’re the beautiful one, its society who’s ugly.” ~ Marilyn Monroe
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  • The Brave Girl and Scared Monster
    Who's afraid of whom? Facing our fears can help us conquer them.
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