Candy Canes Books

  • My Christmas Shadow
    A child searches for their mischievous shadow before Christmas, encountering clues and festive chaos along the way.
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  • Sharing is Caring
    Sarah learns the importance of sharing and apologizes to her friends. She starts asking before taking things and makes amends by sharing a muffin.
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  • Ella's Candy Canes
    Ella gets excited about Christmas and makes candy canes with her parents. Her dad tells her interesting facts about candy canes.
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  • How Benny Saves Christmas
    Benny, a small elf with blue eyes, saves Christmas by melting the ice that froze the other elves. He is rewarded with a candy cane and recognized for his Christmas spirit.
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  • Candy canes story
    this book is a heart warming tale of a girl and her cat. Then the girl has to get rid of her cat because she keeps on scratching the coach. Her cat is also happy with her ne…
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  • The Newest Reindeer
    On Candy Cane Lane, Santa helps a penguin become a reindeer. The story teaches the value of belief and perseverance.
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  • The snow pup finds the way
    When a dog sees another dog with a family, she gets lonely. She doesn't have a home or a family. Will she find a family that loves her, or will she remain alone forever?
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  • How the Elves Saved Christmas
    Three elves embark on a mission to save Christmas when Santa's sleigh breaks down. They deliver presents and receive a surprise at the end.
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