My Published Books (7)

  • Cleopatra finds a magic flute that whisks her to the land of fairy tales! She has to get home soon or she might run out of time.
    by goldfishapple
    Eye Icon 26727
    Star Icon 498
  • A heartfelt poem in memory of a beloved dog, Abbie, who brought joy and love to the author's family.
    by goldfishapple
    Eye Icon 7425
    Star Icon 629
  • Grace challenges readers to help clean up the city of Danbury by preventing water pollution. She explains the water cycle, surface runoff, watersheds, and human activities that pollute water. Grace also provides tips on how to stop water pollution at home
    by goldfishapple
    Eye Icon 2314
    Star Icon 39
  • 2 mermaids are swept on the beach by a severe storm, how are they going to survive without food and water?
    by goldfishapple
    Eye Icon 2574
    Star Icon 202
  • A young girl encounters a star fairy who turns her story into a constellation in the night sky.
    by goldfishapple
    Eye Icon 1064
    Star Icon 88
  • Grace and Cole find a mermaid........ that grants wishes! When the pirate tries to capture her, what will they do to get their friend back?
    by goldfishapple
    Eye Icon 1321
    Star Icon 62
  • When a dog sees another dog with a family, she gets lonely. She doesn't have a home or a family. Will she find a family that loves her, or will she remain alone forever?
    by goldfishapple
    Eye Icon 629
    Star Icon 48

My Public / Unpublished Books (3)

  • Cleopatra returns the Land of Fairytales with her magic flute, but something goes wrong. Will she ever be able to return home, and if she does, will she ever be able to go back to Land of Fairytales ever again?
    by goldfishapple
    Eye Icon 1439
    Star Icon 107
  • When a special crown that belongs to the king goes missing, the queen must find the thief before the king gets home, and before the queen gets thrown in the dungeon!
    by goldfishapple
    Eye Icon 2097
    Star Icon 105
  • A playful story about a kitten's adventures and daily activities, including walks, snacks, Halloween costumes, and races.
    by goldfishapple
    Eye Icon 2266
    Star Icon 259

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